Grave Consequences of Veterans’ Asbestos Exposure: Multiple Diseases


Military asbestos use was exceptionally high during wartime. During preparations for World War II, the U.S. armed forces widely used the material to ramp up the production of military assets.

By nature, asbestos is fire-retardant, an essential quality in military construction for preserving human lives from fire. The mineral is also a natural insulator, making it the perfect material for producing equipment. Moreover, asbestos was cheap to purchase, had an indestructible structure, and could withstand the demands of military operations. Ironically, these qualities made asbestos one of the most dangerous substances humans have ever encountered.

Because asbestos became an advantageous product, manufacturers jumped at the opportunity to make big profits. They sold products made with this toxic mineral to the military despite the known health risks. It led to thousands of veterans being unknowingly exposed to the hazardous mineral, and with the Navy using the most asbestos in shipbuilding, to extremely high asbestos exposure risks for all naval personnel of ships built before the 1980s.

Victims of Asbestos Exposure May Suffer From Multiple Diseases at the Same Time

In the majority of cases, the development of more than one condition is common among veterans with a history of asbestos exposure. One key factor in the evolution of a second disease is the ability of asbestos fibers to travel through the body and reach various tissues and organs.

Due to their microscopic size, the asbestos threads can penetrate the bloodstream or the lymphatic system and easily attach to other tissues or organs with their sharp edges. It is why a veteran with lung cancer resulting from asbestos exposure can struggle with gastrointestinal cancer over the years as well.

Asbestos cancer is often very aggressive; it spreads rapidly to adjacent tissues and organs in a process medically named as metastasis. It is how those injured by asbestos exposure frequently end up with multiple diagnoses. For instance, if a veteran who was exposed to asbestos struggles with lung cancer may also develop liver cancer or brain cancer later on. Furthermore, due to the decades-long latency period of asbestos-related diseases, veterans usually find out about their diseases when they have already reached advanced stages. Additionally, more often than not, veterans are misdiagnosed, and an inadequate diagnosis considerably increases the chances of developing another disease.

For example, those who have asbestosis may develop lung cancer later on - as asbestosis progressively damages the lungs, it may lead to the development of lung cancer within several years. It is why veterans with asbestosis need to watch their health closely and undergo periodic screenings to make sure they haven't developed a cancerous disease in the meantime. Former service members who served in asbestos-contaminated environments should pay extra attention to the symptoms because asbestos diseases produce signs quite similar to other, less dangerous lung affections:

  • persistent coughing
  • shortness of breath
  • difficulty breathing
  • fatigue
  • night sweats
  • fatigue
  • loss of appetite

A Second Opinion Can Ensure an Exact Diagnosis

Due to the similarity of symptoms with other less severe respiratory disorders, misdiagnosis has a high rate in asbestos-exposure victims. Most doctors will misinterpret the signs, conclude incorrect diagnoses, and prescribe inappropriate treatments. Such occurrences consume valuable time when time is of the essence. Scheduling a second or even a third doctor's opinion outside the VA helps avoid situations like this, and by being forthcoming about the chances of asbestos exposure on Navy ships, veterans can further aid the diagnostic process. Mentioning the risk of exposure can lead to a thorough check-up and the discovery of non-cancerous asbestos diseases like:

Although these conditions don't qualify a veteran for compensation, they tend to develop into cancer and should be kept under observation. Noninvasive tools like chest X-rays and pulmonary function tests can spot malignant transformations in time, and an asbestos cancer diagnosis will entitle veterans to file claims. It's important to remember that eligibility has a statute of limitations of up to five years from the date of diagnosis. Family members of deceased veterans can file a claim for three years from the date of the loved one's passing.

You Can Receive Compensation for Each of Your Diagnoses

Veterans who were exposed to asbestos during their time in the military and developed multiple illnesses can file for compensation for each diagnosis they received and benefit from the maximum compensation they are eligible for. There are numerous co-occurring illnesses related to asbestos exposure, and any combination is possible in a person whose health is affected by inhaling or ingesting asbestos dust. Some of the most often-seen combinations are:

  • esophageal cancer and lung cancer
  • asbestosis and lung cancer
  • lung cancer and colorectal cancer
  • throat cancer and mesothelioma
  • lung cancer and gastrointestinal cancer
  • asbestosis and throat cancer

We Offer Assistance for Navy Veterans Affected by Asbestos Exposure

Former personnel of the U.S. Navy, U.S. Army Transport Service, Coast Guard, and Merchant Marine who served at any point between the 1930s and the early 1980s and were diagnosed with cancer stemming from their asbestos exposure can receive compensation from the asbestos trust funds and the VA if they have proof of exposure to asbestos and medical papers about one of the following conditions:

Asbestos lawsuits are complicated, but by working with a lawyer specializing in toxic exposure, you'll have the best chance to recover the compensation you deserve for your suffering. In the unfortunate event that you are in a state of health unfit to participate in the legal process, a family member can help collect the necessary documents to support your claim. We can help by contacting you with asbestos attorneys who are ready to take on your case.

If you have a cancer diagnosis please contact us

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