USS ABSD-3 Areas With Asbestos Exposure


Although the date of this dry-dock's laying down and the delivery are unknown, the commissioning date was October 27, 1944. It was a 9-section dock built as follows: Section A in California, Section B, and Section F in Washington, Section C and Section E in Louisiana, and Sections D, G, H, and I in Pennsylvania. Asel B. Kerr was in command of this dry dock, which was assigned to fight in the Pacific theater. Some of its operations were conducted in Guam, one of the most prominent territories from the Marianas Islands. It served in the US Navy only for 2 years, until it was decommissioned on April 1, 1946. On April 1, 1982, it was disposed of by transfer to Bath Iron Works. The final disposition was placed around 1999, the same year it was sold in Croatia. When it comes to asbestos exposure, Navy veterans have always been on the front lines. If you believe you were exposed to asbestos while serving aboard the USS ABSD-3, it is important to remain vigilant, undergo health screenings, seek treatment if you were diagnosed with an asbestos-related disease, and understand your legal rights.

Everyone who served on the USS ABSD-3 inhaled the asbestos fibers and is at risk for developing lung disease

If you have a cancer diagnosis please contact us

Shipmates on USS ABSD-3