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The Official Blog of Asbestos Ships
Noncitizen US Military Veterans’ Access to VA Benefits and Asbestos Trust Fund Compensation
Asbestos Exposure During Ship Repairs, Retrofits, and Overhauls
Genetic Testing, an Efficient Tool to Identify Veterans’ Cancer Risks
Master-At-Arms and Asbestos Exposure
Depression and Anxiety as VA Secondary Claim to Veterans' Cancer Diagnosis
Geriatric Care and Benefits, an Essential Support for Elderly Veterans
Understanding and Addressing Veterans’ Mental Health Challenges
Acinic Cell Carcinoma, a Presumptive Condition Under the Pact Act
Lowering the Burden of Proof for Veterans: New Additions to the Pact Act
Gas Turbine System Technicians and Asbestos Exposure
Stroke Residual, a Potential Addition to Veterans’ Asbestos Disability Claim
Landing Craft Personnel and Asbestos Exposure
How Navy Veterans Can Retrieve and Apply for Health Records
Brain Cancer as a Secondary Disease Linked to Veterans' Asbestos Exposure
Aviation Electronics Technicians and Asbestos Exposure
Presumptive Asbestos Conditions: Navigating the PACT Act
Bone Cancer as a Secondary Outcome of Veterans’ Asbestos Exposure
Naval Engineering Officers and Asbestos Exposure
Grave Consequences of Veterans’ Asbestos Exposure: Multiple Diseases
Signalmen and Asbestos Exposure
Pneumonitis, a Condition Associated With Asbestos Exposure
Commissioning Crews and Asbestos Exposure
Tuberculosis, a Frequent Misdiagnosis of Veterans' Asbestos Disease
A Possible Risk Factor in Gerd and Barrett’s Esophagus: Asbestos Exposure
Photographer’s Mates and Asbestos Exposure
Eligibility Requirements for Veterans’ Asbestos Exposure Claims
Navy Armed Guards and Asbestos Exposure
Asbestos Exposure, a Potential Risk Factor in Floor of the Mouth Cancer
Naval Fire Controlmen and Asbestos Exposure
Pleural Effusion, a Possible Sign of Veterans’ Asbestos Exposure
Navy Gunnery Officers and Asbestos Exposure
Diffuse Pleural Thickening, a Disorder Linked to Prolonged Asbestos Exposure
Demolition Divers and Asbestos Exposure
Neuroendocrine Tumors, Potential Consequences of Asbestos Exposure
Navy Rescue Swimmers and Asbestos Exposure
Congestive Heart Failure, a Possible Misdiagnosis of Severe Asbestos-Related Disease
Naval Aircrewmen and Asbestos Exposure
Pulmonary Function Tests, Non-invasive Tools to Assess Veterans’ Asbestos Exposure
Aerographer’s Mates and Asbestos Exposure
Chest X-rays, the Most Common Tools to Detect Navy Veterans’ Asbestos Exposure